


Europages Scraper


Europages Scraper is a powerful tool that helps you to find business leads from Europages sites (https://www.europages.com/)
Europages Scraper is a source where you can find millions of business leads classifieds by categories and locations.
You can search by your target keywords in your locations. This software will search and find business information like website, email addresses, phone, fax, etc.



Extract Data from Europages sites (https://www.europages.com/) in seconds with just one click.
User can search with any keywords.
Export results to CSV.

Website 2 APK Builder

Seo Vps website 2 apk builder

Transform your site to an Android App.
Convert your HTML, CSS, JS or Web URL to an Android App.
Website 2 APK Builder is very easy to use, just make step by step customizations to your app, build while you finish it.

In Seo tools, VPS its preinstalled and configured so after buying SEO VPS user can instantly use those application to convert website to android application.


  • Apps keep itself always synchronized with the latest content from your website. All changes reflect live!
  • We do never put any branding of us, all the apps you create will be completely your own, white-labelled with private branding.
  • You can use Banner or Interstitial AdMob ads and start earning through your apps instantly!.
  • Sending Push notifications to help you grow in the market, it keeps your users always engaged with the latest content.
  • Unlike other providers, we do never put annoying ads in apps that you create, only you configure what to include.
  • Sign your apps using your very own key store, no dependencies on us, only you represents your app.
  • A powerful set of tools that allows you to customize everything and create stunning apps out of your website.
  • You NEVER need to learn to code, complete process is automated, you are a few clicks away from your app.
  • Special JavaScript functions that allow you to interact with native android functions via your Web Applications.
  • Apps use API Level 28 and follow Google Play Developer recommendations, you can publish them on the Go.
  • You can create an Offline working app using your HTML files, no Internet connectivity required.
  • We believe in simple and fair pricing. Customer service is somewhat more important to us.

Devsoft App Builder



If you want to create modern desktop and mobile apps you’re in the right place! DecSoft App Builder is a professional visual development environment to create HTML5 apps, WebApps, Progressive WebAppsWeb Extensions and Hybrid apps for the modern mobile and desktop browsers, as well platforms like Google Android, Apple iOS and Microsoft Windows.


Easy to use

The DecSoft App Builder apps are based in HTML, CSS and Javascript. These are the languages that you must know (more or less) in order to create modern apps that run in all the mobile and desktop browsers, as well platforms like Android, iOS and Microsoft Windows. All with the same base code! This is a big reason to choose DecSoft App Builder.


Contextual help

DecSoft App Builder has a contextual help that point you exactly to the control, property, event reference, etc. Just press the F1 key where you are in the IDE. For your convenience, the help is also available online in: www.getappbuilderhelp.com


User Functions

In addition to the available app methods and the methods provided by the app viewsapp dialogsapp frames, the Apache Cordova plugins methods, and, all the possible controls that you can use, its also possible to setup your own User Functions in order to be available for your app at runtime.



App resources

App Builder provide us the app resources manager, that we can use to set at designtime an arbitrary number of Javascript strings, arrays, objects, JSON resources to be available at runtime by using app.resource() method.



App languages

Its easy to translate the apps into various languages by using the app languages manager. We can add any number of languages and then translate the app in runtime just by using the app.translateView() method.



Auto scale apps

There are many themes availables for your app, and, you can also set the fixed and scaled styles, even at runtime. The auto scale style made the app properly show in different screen sizes.


Twitter Laser


Twitter Laser is a desktop application that allows uses to automatically tweet to users who have specific keywords in their tweets. For example if someone tweets “excited for a game of thrones” then Twitter Laser can automatically send a tweet to this user saying something like “@user Hi Ben, I’m excited too! I wrote a cool post on this check it out”. There is no limit on the number of keywords that can be monitored or accounts that can be used.



  • Twitter Laser if used correctly can generate hundreds of laser targeted visitors per day. You simply have to know all the keywords your potential website visitors will be tweeting and customise the message you tweet at them for each one. Where else can you generate such targeted traffic from Twitter?
  • Tips for max results
  • – Don’t post spammy links or you’ll get your account and domain banned off Twitter pretty quickly.
  • – Don’t run other Twitter automation software on the same machine/IP.
  • – Tweet useful things to users and don’t annoy them.
  • – Tweet from trusted and aged Twitter accounts.
  • – Have a sensible delay between Tweeting messages to people.
  • – Make your Tweets as targeted as possible so avoid many of the above.
  • – As of 06/02/2018 this tool requires Chrome to be installed