Forum Traffic Generator is a desktop application that will monitor your favorite forums for new threads that contain your niche’s keywords. Allowing you to get the first reply and most exposure of your link or signature helping you generate a flood of targeted traffic to your website.
How does this tool work?
If the forum you want to monitor makes use of squential thread ID’s in the URL then this software is compatible. To test this simply browse to your chosen forum(s) open a thread and see if there is an ID in the URL. Here are some examples.
As you can see these forums use sequential ID’s to identify and load the different threads so they will most likely be compatible with this software tool.
Once you have entered a recent thread from your chosen forum(s) the software will try loading higher thread ID’s to find the latest thread. It will now periodically check for new threads at your chosen interval and then check the contents of the post to see if it matches any of your chosen keywords. If it does you will be instantly notified via the title of the thread showing in the tool or a notification balloon popup. This allows you to get the first reply on that niche related thread meaning your link or signature gets maximum exposure to all the threads visitors.
Why should I use this tool?
Forum traffic allows you to get a flood of target niche related high converting traffic. This tool will do all the monitoring for you, so instead of you constantly browsing forums looking threads you can post on this will keep track of your favorite ones for you. Allowing you to use your time on other parts of your business. By getting to the thread first every visitor will see your response before anyone else. How often do you typically read an entire thread? Not very often. The promotion of your service after the first few replies is typically a waste.
This tool allows you to get the most traffic possible while investing as little time as possible.